PEOPLE, PATTERN, PLACE is an on-going series of collaborative, community-based photo shoots where I create quilt-like geometric formations using people's bodies and the colour of their clothing to create the designs. I worked with the community of Melville, Saskatchewan for 4 weeks in June and July of 2017 to create 3 photos. The site for each photo shoot was the open lawn of the Melville Heritage Museum. 

By symbolically bringing people together to create these harmonious formations, I'm hoping it can be the catalyst for new connections and relationships to form in communities. In the current global climate of conflict and division, I feel the need to make art that is about bringing people together. The future aims of PEOPLE, PATTERN, PLACE is to work with communities in crisis to help them heal and feel a since of pride in the act of creating a communal art project. 


This initiative is made possible by the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th, a collaboration between the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation, the Government of Canada, The City of Melville and extraordinary leaders from coast to coast to coast.

Cette initiative est rendue possible grâce au Fonds communautaire pour le 150e anniversaire du Canada, qui est une collaboration entre the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation, le gouvernement du Canada, le Ville de Melville, et des leaders extraordinaires de l’Atlantique au Pacifique à l’Arctique.